ASA International Group plc reports FY 2020 results
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26 May 2021 - ASA International Group plc, ('ASA International', the 'Company' or the 'Group'), one of the world's largest international microfinance institutions, today announces its full year results for the twelve-month period from 1 January to 31 December 2020.
Key performance indicators
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Number of clients (m) |
2.4 |
2.3 |
2.5 |
-6% |
2% |
Number of branches |
1,965 |
1,956 |
1,895 |
4% |
0% |
Net profit |
-1.4 |
-1.5 |
34.5 |
-104% |
-103% |
6% |
OLP (1) |
415.3 |
388.6 |
467.4 |
-11% |
-10% |
7% |
Gross OLP |
445.3 |
411.7 |
471.4 |
-6% |
-4% |
8% |
PAR > 30 days(2) |
13.1% |
3.6% |
1.5% |
(1) Outstanding loan portfolio ('OLP') includes off-book Business Correspondence ('BC') loans and Direct Assignment loans, excludes interest receivable, unamortized loan processing fees, and deducts modification losses and ECL provisions from Gross OLP. |
(2) PAR>30 is the percentage of on-book OLP that has one or more instalment of repayment of principal past due for more than 30 days and less than 365 days, divided by the Gross OLP. |
FY 2020 Highlights
· The Company's operational and financial performance was substantially affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the associated disruption and measures taken by government authorities, as well as the ensuing provisioning across all operating companies.
· As a result, the Company showed a net loss of USD 1.4m in 2020 compared to a net profit of USD 34.5m in 2019.
· The reduction in profitability was primarily caused by (i) a USD 27.2m expense for expected credit losses in 2020 compared to USD 4.2m in 2019, (ii) lower interest income as the Group was not able to charge interest in most markets on (a) the payment holidays provided during lockdowns, moratoriums and (b) increased overdue amounts and (iii) a modification loss of USD 3.5m at the end of the year due to loan extensions for the payment holidays provided to clients on account of COVID-19 related lockdowns and moratoriums.
· The immediate health impact on our staff and clients remained relatively low with no deaths amongst our approximately 12.5K employees and 25 deaths amongst our 2.4 million clients due to COVID-19.
· Following the end of the lockdowns in our operating countries, the Group granted many clients a temporary moratorium of the payment of one or more loan instalments (which, in effect, extended the related loans for the moratorium period), which peaked at USD 16.9m in June with 485K clients benefiting from the moratorium.
· PAR>30 increased to 13.1% (excluding loan instalments under moratorium) by the end of December 2020.
· As of 31 December 2020, the Group had approximately USD 101m of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, with a funding pipeline reaching approximately USD 225m.
· The Group successfully raised USD 163.9m in debt funding across its operations in 2020, with total debt growing to USD 337.6m.
In 2021, the Company expects the operating environment to remain challenging in many countries. Assuming that the disruption caused by COVID 19 reduces through the rest of the year, the Group's operating and financial performance should improve meaningfully in 2021 compared with 2020, with the extent of that improvement depending in particular on developments in India. It is expected that in 2022 the Group's operational and financial performance will begin to normalise, subject to the unpredictable course of the pandemic.
Dirk Brouwer, Chief Executive Officer of ASA International, commented:
"Considering the challenging operating circumstances in 2020, we are pleased with the resilience of the business and its model, and especially how local management navigated the operating subsidiaries through the crisis. From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic our field staff stayed in close contact with our clients and supported them throughout these difficult times, which prevented many of our clients from doing their regular daily business.
Our clients have shown strong resilience in rebuilding their businesses and adjusting to the new operating circumstances. This ability to recover from adverse circumstances together with our support in providing more time for clients to settle their loans, enabled many clients to increase their earnings capacity and gradually repay in full the loans granted by the Group. In India and the Philippines, many clients were not able to meet their financial obligations towards the Company. In addition to the ongoing disruption as a result of COVID-19 and the impact of cyclone Amphan, which hit our operations in West-Bengal, political activism against MFIs adversely affected the repayment discipline of many clients in the State of Assam, covering 13% of our portfolio in India at 30 April 2021. The Philippines also struggled to increase collection efficiency to satisfactory levels, following disruptions caused by the initial two months lockdown and the many subsequent ongoing local restrictions imposed by local, regional governments as well as the national government.
We considered it therefore appropriate to substantially increase the provision for expected credit losses from USD 10.6 million in June 2020 to USD 27.5 million by year-end 2020. As a result, together with the lower interest income due to the lockdowns, moratoriums and overdue, this increased the net loss of the Group for 2020 to USD 1.4 million.
At 30 April 2021, despite ongoing COVID-19 related disruptions in the Philippines and India, and political unrest in Myanmar, the Group's other operating subsidiaries, where traditionally more than two-thirds of our customary operating profits are generated, achieved a collection efficiency of more than 90% and 9 out of 13 countries achieved a collection efficiency of more than 95%. As a result, the PAR>30 of the Group's operating subsidiaries, excluding India, the Philippines and Myanmar, came down to 3.8%.
We are grateful for the solid and consistent financial support we received from almost all our lenders since the start of the pandemic. The Group secured in excess of USD 219 million of new credit facilities since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. As of 30 April 2021, liquidity remains high. The Group had a pipeline of wholesale loans of 164 million from a large variety of local and international lenders."
Business Review FY 2020
2020 was one of the most challenging years for our Company with lockdowns, curfews and many other measures taken by Governments to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We have been fortunate that up until now none of our 12,535 staff and few of our clients have died from COVID-19. Nevertheless, it has been difficult for many of our clients to run their businesses and for our staff to service them under these difficult and continuously changing circumstances.
As result of the disruption to our clients' businesses, we focused more on collection of outstanding installments rather than disbursement of new loans during the first 6-8 weeks after the end of the lockdowns in order to re-assess the earning capacity of each of our clients. This resulted in a 6% reduction of the gross outstanding loan portfolio from USD 471.4 million by year-end 2019 to USD 445.3 million as of 31 December 2020. From July 2020, the Group started to increase its loan disbursements across all markets, which led to renewed growth of the Group's loan portfolio.
We opened 70 branches from 1,895 to 1,965 (+4%) in Q1 2020, but halted further branch expansion during the remainder of the year. The number of clients went down from 2.5m to 2.4m (-6%) in 2020. The number of clients per branch decreased from 1,337 to 1,212 and Gross OLP per Client increased from USD 186 to USD 187.
In India and the Philippines, two of our larger markets in terms of number of clients, the disruption caused by COVID-19 caused our clients to struggle in meeting their financial obligations to our Company. Besides the ongoing disruption in the market places where many of our Indian clients usually trade, political activism in the State of Assam (India) against microfinance institutions with the threat of local government intervention as well as the long-term impact of cyclone Amphan, adversely affected the repayment discipline and capacity of many of our clients in Assam and various districts in West Bengal.
We have seen positive developments on the regulatory front with (i) ASA Pakistan securing an in-principal approval in January 2020 from the Central Bank of Pakistan ('SBP') to transform into a microfinance bank. Throughout the year ASA Pakistan completed the requirements for transforming into a microfinance bank. It is expected that the SBP will complete the inspection of its head office and operations during 2021, after which it is expected that the license will be granted, (ii) ASA Myanmar received approval for taking savings from its clients; and (iii) completing the transfer of the net assets of ASIEA NGO to ASHA Microfinance Bank, our nationwide microfinance bank in Nigeria on 1 April 2020.
The Company successfully completed the roll-out and implementation of the real-time version of its proprietary ASA Microfinance Banking System ('AMBS') in all of its operating countries, which will be essential for the gradual introduction of doorstep banking and other digital financial services in the next few years. In 2021 we are making a substantial investment in the development of our DFS platform with the intention to first launch a broad range of digital financial services to our clients in Ghana in 2022.
The competitive environment has not appeared to have changed much last year as a result of the crisis. Competition remains highest in India and the Philippines where our strongest competitors are three microfinance institutions which also follow the ASA model of microfinance as taught to them by ASA NGO Bangladesh more than 15 years ago. In most other markets, we face less competition by traditional microfinance institutions. We expect that many of our competitors face similar problems in terms of collections and overdue as we do. However, the messages we receive from the field, appear to indicate that many of our smaller competitors face more hardship than we do in terms of portfolio quality as well as funding. To date, we have experienced limited competition of digital lenders in any of our markets, as the loans and services offered are not particularly targeted to our client base as of yet. Digital lenders are often perceived by our clients as lenders of last resort who employ aggressive debt collectors, charge high interest rates and have little or no connection to the local communities.
During 2020, we maintained a minimum foreign currency mismatch, and benefited from the shorter duration of our assets vis-à-vis our liabilities, which enabled us to draw some liquidity from the field at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.
Compared to 2018 and 2019, our operating currencies remained relatively stable vis-à-vis the US dollar during 2020, with the exceptions of Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia which have seen significant depreciation of their currencies.
ECL provision
During 2020 the Company increased its provision for expected credit losses ('ECL') from USD 4.3m to USD 27.5m for the combined OLP including the off-book BC portfolio. The related ECL expense in the P&L amounts to USD 27.2m in total in 2020 compared to USD 4.2m in 2019. This increase mainly relates to an additional management overlay as part of the ECL policy under IFRS 9 due to the impact on our clients of government and regulatory actions related to COVID-19, such as lockdowns and moratoriums, and political uncertainty related to developments observed in Assam (India). Management has applied its previous experiences from natural calamities and other disruptive events like the Andhra Pradesh crisis and demonetisation in India, as well as the current developments in each of its operating companies, to determine the assumptions for the ECL calculation. The USD 27.5m ECL provisions concentrated in India 60% and the Philippines 17%, with the remainder spread more evenly across the other countries as percentage of each countries outstanding loan portfolio or as aggregate amount. Following the removal or relaxation of restrictions in certain countries, collections only gradually improved as regional restrictions continued in the Philippines, and political events in the Assam region of India created reticence of some clients to pay instalments. The assumptions for the ECL provision include significant uncertainty. As such, the resulting outcome of losses on the loan portfolio may be materially different. Further details on the ECL calculation are provided in note [2.5.2] of the unaudited preliminary consolidated financial statements (Appendix 1).
Modification loss
The Group booked a modification loss of USD 3.5m in 2020 which relates to the extension of the term of the Company's loans to clients during lockdowns and individual moratoriums granted after the lockdowns. In most of the markets, the Group was not able to accrue interest for such extensions. We have estimated the modification loss through performing sample testing of borrowers across each country and extrapolating the difference across the remainder of the affected population. As such there is a degree of estimation uncertainty in the recording of income as the sample selected may not be indicative of the untested population. We have further explained the modification loss in notes 2.5.4, 13 and 29.4 of the unaudited preliminary financial statements (Appendix 1).
Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the Group's financial performance during 2020 and the resulting uncertainty, the Board decided not to declare a dividend on earnings for the year 2020. The Company will review its dividend policy during the course of the year.
Webcast and Conference call
Management will be hosting an audio webcast and conference call, with Q&A today at 14:00 (BST).
To access the audio webcast, please go to or use the following link: The 2020 results presentation can be downloaded from the Investor section of the Company's website Investors | Asa (
In order to ask questions, analysts and investors are invited to submit questions via the webcast or dial into the conference call. Please use the dial-in details below. You will be asked to provide the following information:
Confirmation code: 6297353
Title of the conference: ASA International Full Year Results 2020
Speaker name: Dirk Brouwer
Location |
Phone Number |
United Kingdom |
+44 (0)330 336 9125 |
Netherlands |
+31 (0)20 703 8211 |
South Africa |
+27 11 844 6054 |
India |
+91 11 6310 0156 |
Singapore |
+65 6320 9026 |
United States |
+1 323-794-2588 |
Statutory accounts
The financial information in this document do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 ("the Act"). A copy of the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019 was delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was not qualified but made reference to a material uncertainty in respect of going concern and did not contain statements under section 498 (2) or 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006.
The audit of the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 is not yet complete. The Directors expect the auditors' report to be unqualified and to make reference to a material uncertainty in respect of going concern due to the impact of COVID-19 and expect not to contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Act. These accounts will be finalized on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in these preliminary results and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's annual general meeting.
2020 Full Year Annual Report and Accounts
On 1 June 2021, the Company will publish the Full Year Annual Report and Accounts for the 12 months period ended 31 December 2020 on: Home | Asa (
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 30 June 2021.
Change of registered office
The Company has changed its registered office to: Highdown House, Yeoman Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN99 3HH, United Kingdom.
ASA International Group plc
Investor Relations
Véronique Schyns
+31 6 2030 0139
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Net profit |
-1,395 |
-1,487 |
34,497 |
-104% |
-103% |
6% |
Cost/income ratio |
98% |
108% |
60% |
Return on average assets |
-0.2% |
-0.5% |
6.7% |
Return on average equity |
-1.3% |
-2.8% |
34.5% |
Earnings growth |
-104% |
-109% |
6% |
OLP (1) |
415,304 |
388,649 |
467,429 |
-11% |
-10% |
7% |
Gross OLP |
445,257 |
411,700 |
471,420 |
-6% |
-4% |
8% |
Total assets |
579,260 |
530,984 |
559,958 |
3% |
9% |
Client deposits (2) |
80,174 |
74,488 |
78,080 |
3% |
8% |
Interest-bearing debt (2) |
337,632 |
301,094 |
317,810 |
6% |
12% |
Share capital and reserves |
107,073 |
104,131 |
111,169 |
-4% |
3% |
Number of clients |
2,380,685 |
2,331,563 |
2,534,015 |
-6% |
2% |
Number of branches |
1,965 |
1,956 |
1,895 |
4% |
0% |
Average Gross OLP per client (USD) |
187 |
177 |
186 |
1% |
2% |
6% |
PAR > 30 days |
13.1% |
3.6% |
1.5% |
Client deposits as % of loan portfolio |
19% |
19% |
17% |
(1) Outstanding loan portfolio ('OLP') includes off-book Business Correspondence ('BC') loans and Direct Assignment loans, excludes interest receivable, unamortized loan processing fees, and deducts modification losses and ECL provisions from Gross OLP. |
(2) Excludes interest payable |
Regional performance
South Asia
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Net profit |
-4,360 |
594 |
14,098 |
-131% |
-131% |
-834% |
Cost/income ratio |
134% |
99% |
50% |
Return on average assets |
-1.7% |
0.5% |
6.1% |
Return on average equity |
-7.8% |
2.0% |
26.6% |
Earnings growth |
-131% |
-92% |
-5% |
217,843 |
226,401 |
254,361 |
-14% |
-12% |
-4% |
Gross OLP |
238,738 |
234,139 |
256,578 |
-7% |
-4% |
2% |
Total assets |
253,360 |
229,747 |
252,034 |
1% |
10% |
Client deposits |
2,610 |
2,363 |
2,082 |
25% |
10% |
Interest-bearing debt |
183,756 |
159,136 |
177,257 |
4% |
15% |
Share capital and reserves |
53,232 |
57,777 |
58,703 |
-9% |
-8% |
Number of clients |
1,185,656 |
1,191,888 |
1,234,638 |
-4% |
-1% |
Number of branches |
758 |
766 |
751 |
1% |
-1% |
Average Gross OLP per client (USD) |
201 |
196 |
208 |
-3% |
-0.5% |
3% |
PAR > 30 days |
21.3% |
4.7% |
2.0% |
Client deposits as % of loan portfolio |
1% |
1% |
1% |
Due to the impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdowns in each country, operations were substantially disrupted in the South Asia region. A shrinking OLP along with increased provisions for expected credit losses as well as currency depreciation in Pakistan (PKR down 4% YoY against USD) led to South Asia's USD net profits going down 131% YoY (131% YoY down on a constant currency basis).
· The quality of the loan portfolio declined with PAR>30 increasing from 2.0% to 21.3%
· Cost/Income ratio increased by 8,363 bps to 134% due to reduced income caused by the COVID-19 disruptions compared to an increased cost base YoY
· Return on average assets was down 778 bps to -1.7% due to lower profits caused by a declining OLP, and increase in expected credit loss expenses
· Return on average equity was down by 3,439 bps to -7.8%
ASA India shrank its operations over the twelve-month period:
· Number of clients down from 732k to 714k (down 3% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 399 to 400 (up 0.3% YoY)
· OLP declined from INR 9.0bn (USD 127m) to INR 7.3bn (USD 101m) (down 19% YoY in INR)
· Off-book portfolio declined from INR 4.0bn (USD 55.9m) to INR 3.4bn (USD 46.4m) (down 15% in INR). This now includes INR 270.0m (USD 3.7m) of the portfolio transferred under a direct assignment (DA) agreement to State Bank of India
· Gross OLP/Client down from INR 18K to INR 17K (down 5% YoY in INR)
· PAR>30 increased from 1.5% to 31.9%
· USD 15m in moratoriums granted to 530k clients in 2020
ASA Pakistan saw its operations shrink due to COVID-19 impact in H1 2020 but recover in H2 2020:
· Number of clients declined from 439k to 416k (down 5% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 281 to 292 (up 4% YoY)
· OLP up from PKR 9.7bn (USD 62.5m) to PKR 10.0bn (USD 62.5m) (up 3% in PKR)
· Gross OLP/Client up from PKR 22.2K (USD 143) to PKR 24.8K (USD 155) (up 12% YoY in PKR)
· PAR>30 increased from 1.9% to 4.0%
· No moratoriums granted to clients
Sri Lanka
Lak Jaya continued to feel the negative impact of COVID-19:
· Number of clients down from 63k to 56k (down 11% YoY)
· Number of branches down from 71 to 66 (down 7% YoY)
· OLP down from LKR 1.7bn (USD 9.4m) to LKR 1.6bn (USD 8.4m) (down 9% YoY in LKR)
· Gross OLP/Client up from LKR 29.2K (USD 161) to LKR 30.3K (USD 163) (up 4% YoY in LKR)
· PAR>30 improved from 9.7% to 7.6%
· Up to USD 1.9m in moratoriums granted to 81k clients between March and December 2020
· Management implemented a strategy to focus on cost control and improving the portfolio quality by consolidating some branches and making a larger write-off of its bad loans
South East Asia
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Net profit |
-3,366 |
-3,969 |
5,349 |
-163% |
-154% |
15% |
Cost/income ratio |
135% |
464% |
74% |
Return on average assets |
-2.7% |
-6.7% |
4.8% |
Return on average equity |
-16.1% |
-38.3% |
29.1% |
Earnings growth |
-163% |
-274% |
38% |
74,214 |
68,847 |
84,205 |
-12% |
-18% |
8% |
Gross OLP |
80,832 |
77,714 |
84,886 |
-5% |
-12% |
4% |
Total assets |
119,152 |
111,870 |
125,750 |
-5% |
7% |
Client deposits |
24,000 |
23,726 |
22,995 |
4% |
1% |
Interest-bearing debt |
66,412 |
59,140 |
72,419 |
-8% |
12% |
Share capital and reserves |
20,259 |
19,964 |
21,453 |
-6% |
1% |
Number of clients |
428,645 |
448,707 |
491,813 |
-13% |
-4% |
Number of branches |
415 |
416 |
405 |
2% |
0% |
Average Gross OLP per client (USD) |
189 |
173 |
173 |
9% |
1% |
9% |
PAR > 30 days |
4.1% |
1.1% |
1.0% |
Client deposits as % of loan portfolio |
32% |
34% |
27% |
In South East Asia, client and OLP growth declined due in large part to disruptions brought on by COVID-19 in especially the Philippines. The extended 10-week lockdown period (and partial lock downs in the second half of 2020) and the ongoing disruption afterwards in the Philippines led to a reduction in OLP and higher expected credit losses resulting in lower earnings. Also, additional 8 weeks of compulsory moratorium in Yangon and Bago regions in Myanmar, where 60% of ASA Myanmar's branches are based, led to lower revenues.
The Philippines
Pagasa Philippines operations contracted due to the impact from COVID-19:
· Number of clients down from 340k to 299k (down 12% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 315 to 322 (up 2% YoY)
· OLP down from PHP 2.7bn (USD 52.7m) to PHP 2.2bn (USD 45.3m) (down 19% YoY in PHP)
· Gross OLP/Client increased from PHP 7.9K (USD 156) to PHP 8.1K (USD 168) (up 2% YoY in PHP)
· PAR>30 increased from 1.3% to 6.4%
· Up to USD 26.8m in moratoriums granted to 663k clients between March and December 2020
ASA Myanmar saw a decline in clients and OLP which stabilised in H2 2020:
· Number of clients down from 152k to 129k (down 15% YoY)
· Number of branches increased from 90 to 93 (up 3% YoY)
· OLP down from to MMK 46.8bn (USD 31.5m) to MMK 38.4bn (USD 28.9m) (down 18% YoY in MMK)
· Gross OLP/Client up from MMK 310K (USD 209) to MMK 316K (USD 237) (up 2% YoY in MMK)
· PAR>30 increased from 0.4% to 0.5%
· Up to USD 9.0m in moratoriums granted to 267k clients between March and December 2020
West Africa
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Net profit |
13,443 |
5,297 |
15,935 |
-16% |
-15% |
154% |
Cost/income ratio |
49% |
55% |
45% |
Return on average assets |
13.2% |
11.2% |
17.3% |
Return on average equity |
31.1% |
28.5% |
45.7% |
Earnings growth |
-16% |
-25% |
-6% |
77,835 |
56,647 |
77,200 |
1% |
5% |
37% |
Gross OLP |
79,499 |
60,237 |
78,078 |
2% |
6% |
32% |
Total assets |
107,748 |
93,962 |
95,240 |
13% |
15% |
Client deposits |
39,788 |
34,809 |
38,195 |
4% |
14% |
Interest-bearing debt |
10,255 |
11,212 |
11,919 |
-14% |
-9% |
Share capital and reserves |
49,033 |
37,003 |
37,452 |
31% |
33% |
Number of clients |
447,122 |
389,453 |
459,022 |
-3% |
15% |
Number of branches |
433 |
431 |
423 |
2% |
0% |
Average Gross OLP per client (USD) |
178 |
155 |
170 |
5% |
9% |
15% |
PAR > 30 days |
2.7% |
4.0% |
1.5% |
Client deposits as % of loan portfolio |
51% |
61% |
49% |
West Africa's operational and financial performance declined, however, it performed well compared to any of the other regions. Ghana saw a quick recovery of its operations following the end of the 2-week lockdowns with collections back to pre-COVID levels, while Nigeria faced a longer recovery from lockdowns due to prior challenging market conditions further impacted by COVID-19, including a depreciation of NGN (6% down against USD in 2020).
ASA Savings & Loans operations declined but managed to recover and maintain excellent portfolio quality:
· Number of clients down from 165k to 158k (down 4% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 123 to 129 (up 5% YoY)
· OLP up from GHS 237.4m (USD 41.6m) to GHS 248.3 m (USD 42.3m) (up 5% YoY in GHS)
· Gross OLP/Client up to GHS 1.6k (USD 269) (up 9% YoY in GHS)
· PAR>30 increased from 0.2% to 0.4%
· No moratoriums granted to clients in the period
ASA Nigeria saw a contraction of operations in H1 2020 which gradually recovered in H2 2020:
· Number of clients down from 260k to 253k (down 3% YoY)
· Number of branches maintained at 263
· OLP up from NGN 11.9bn (USD 32.7m) to NGN 12.0bn (USD 31.2m) (up 1% YoY in NGN)
· Gross OLP/Client up from NGN 47k (USD 129) to NGN 50k (USD 129) (up 6% YoY in NGN)
· PAR>30 increased from 2.7% to 5.5%
· Up to USD 1.0m in moratoriums granted to 24k clients between March and December 2020
Sierra Leone
ASA Sierra Leone continued to successfully expand with client, branch and OLP growth:
· Number of clients up from 34k to 36k (up 6% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 37 to 41 (up 11% YoY)
· OLP up from SLL 28.1bn (USD 2.9m) to SLL 43.6bn (USD 4.3m) (up 55% YoY in SLL)
· Gross OLP/Client up from SLL 0.8m (USD 85) to SLL 1.2m (USD 123) (up 51% YoY in SLL)
· PAR>30 declined from 5.1% to 4.4%
· Up to USD 50k in moratoriums granted to 3.8k clients between March and December 2020
East Africa
(Amounts in USD thousands) |
FY2020 |
H1 2020 |
FY 2019 |
% Change |
% Change |
% Change |
Net profit |
1,069 |
333 |
6,160 |
-83% |
-84% |
221% |
Cost/income ratio |
90% |
97% |
62% |
Return on average assets |
1.8% |
1.2% |
12.6% |
Return on average equity |
6.7% |
4.3% |
51.0% |
Earnings growth |
-83% |
-87% |
69% |
45,413 |
36,753 |
51,664 |
-12% |
-9% |
24% |
Gross OLP |
46,188 |
39,607 |
51,878 |
-11% |
-8% |
17% |
Total assets |
59,802 |
55,856 |
59,356 |
1% |
7% |
Client deposits |
13,776 |
13,591 |
14,808 |
-7% |
1% |
Interest-bearing debt |
26,292 |
24,245 |
25,835 |
2% |
8% |
Share capital and reserves |
16,313 |
15,408 |
15,476 |
5% |
6% |
Number of clients |
319,262 |
301,515 |
348,542 |
-8% |
6% |
Number of branches |
359 |
343 |
316 |
14% |
5% |
Average Gross OLP per client (USD) |
145 |
131 |
149 |
-3% |
0.3% |
10% |
PAR > 30 days |
13.2% |
1.9% |
0.6% |
Client deposits as % of loan portfolio |
30% |
37% |
29% |
East Africa saw a decline in operational performance and profitability attributable to extended lockdown due to COVID 19 in Uganda and Kenya. Only ASA Tanzania and ASA Zambia managed to expand in number of branches and OLP.
ASA Kenya decreased its operations:
· Number of clients down from 101k to 92k (down 9% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 90 to 100 (up 11% YoY)
· OLP down from KES 1.8bn (USD 17.6m) to KES 1.4bn (USD 12.7m) (down 23% YoY in KES)
· Gross OLP/Client down from KES 18K (USD 175) to KES 15K (USD 142) (down 13% YoY in KES)
· PAR>30 increased from 1.3% to 21.9%
· Up to USD 4.8m in moratoriums granted to 82k clients between March and December 2020
ASA Tanzania managed to expand its operations:
· Number of clients down from 123k to 121k (down 1% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 102 to 121 (up 19% YoY)
· OLP up from TZS 47.1bn (USD 20.5m) to TZS 49.6bn (USD 21.4m) (up 5% YoY in TZS)
· Gross OLP/Client up from TZS 384k (USD 167) to TZS 413k (USD 178) (up 7% YoY in TZS)
· PAR>30 increased from 0.1% to 2.5%
· Up to USD 267k in moratoriums granted to up to 10k clients between March and December 2020
ASA Uganda saw a reduction in operations:
· Number of clients down from 101k to 81k (down 20% YoY)
· Number of branches up from 88 to 98 (up 11% YoY)
· OLP down from UGX 38.0bn (USD 10.4m) to UGX 29.3bn (USD 8.0m) (down 23% YoY in UGX)
· Gross OLP/Client down from UGX 377K (USD 103) to UGX 366K (USD 100) (down 3% YoY in UGX), which is expected to remain lower than in Kenya and Tanzania due to generally lower income levels in Uganda
· PAR>30 increased from 0.1% to 29.1%
· Up to USD 4.7m in moratoriums granted between March and December 2020 to up to 197k clients
ASA Rwanda saw its operations shrink in H1 2020 and gradually recover in H2:
· Number of clients declined from 21k to 19k (down 9% YoY)
· Number of branches maintained at 30
· OLP slightly up from RWF 2.8bn (USD 3.0m) to RWF 2.9bn (USD 3.0m) (up 2% YoY in RWF)
· Gross OLP/Client up from RWF 133K (USD 141) to RWF 151K (USD 153) (up 13% YoY in RWF)
· PAR>30 increased from 0.8% to 10.1%
· Up to USD 578k in moratoriums granted to 23.6k clients between March and December 2020
ASA Zambia managed to expand its operations:
· Number of clients increased from 2k to reach 5k
· Number of branches increased from 6 to 10
· OLP up from ZMW 2.5m (USD 179k) to ZMW 7.9m (USD 372k)
· Gross OLP/Client up from ZMW 1.2k (USD 86) to ZMW 1.6k (USD 76)
· PAR>30 declined to 5.8%
· No moratoriums granted to clients
Regulatory Environment
The Company operates in a wide range of jurisdictions each with their own regulatory regimes applicable to microfinance institutions. At this time, the Company continues to pursue a deposit-taking license in Pakistan and a non-deposit taking license in Tanzania.
In all our operating countries the Governments instituted lengthy lockdowns, ranging from two to eight weeks, and other security measures to contain the infection rate of COVID-19, which adversely affected the ability of many of our clients to conduct their customary business. Most restrictions were gradually lifted during the second half of 2020, which enabled the Group to re-open branches and resume field activities. India started collections after the end of the lockdown by the end of May 2020, but clients were entitled to request a moratorium instituted by the Government of India until 30 August 2020, which up to 484k clients availed of. Uganda only fully resumed operations by mid-June 2020. As of 31 December 2020, collection efficiency across the Group continued to strengthen with 10 out of thirteen countries reporting collections in the mid to high nineties. Temporary local and regional lock downs or limitations on movement occurred in Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Myanmar on the second half of the year.
Key Events 2020 and 2021
· 2020: ASA Pakistan received in principle approval (via a No Objection Certificate or 'NOC') from State Bank of Pakistan ('SBP') to transform into a microfinance bank. ASA Pakistan made good progress in completing all pre-licensing requirements set by the central bank.
· 2021: In January 2021, ASA Pakistan received extension in the validity of the No Objection Certificate till 30 April 2021 for completion of the MFB license requirements. It is expected that SBP will complete the inspection of its head office and operations during 2021 after which it is expected that the license will be granted.
Sri Lanka
· 2020: The microfinance sector has not yet fully recovered from three major events that occurred during the past two years, including (i) the introduction of the government backed debt relief programme for microfinance loans in drought affected districts of Sri Lanka in 2018, that eroded the repayment discipline of clients across the country, which after-effects still persisted in 2019, (ii) the 2019 Easter Sunday bomb attack and the knock-on effect on the economy, and (iii) the spread of COVID-19 in 2020.
· 2021: In addition, due to overall interest rate cuts by the government in the financial sector following the economic downturn due to COVID-19, there is concern that the interest rate cap of 35% introduced 2020 may be further reduced.
· 2020: Bank of Ghana suspended all dividend payments for a period of two years and pursuant to measures taken due to COVID-19.
· 2021: the suspension on dividends was removed by the Bank of Ghana. Dividends can be declared subject to certain requirements and approval by the Bank of Ghana.
· 2020: The Central Bank approved the transfer of the net assets from ASIEA to ASHA Microfinance Bank (the nationwide microfinance bank), which was completed by 1 April 2020.
· 2021: New Banking & Other Financial Institutions Act 2020 passed in Nigeria to regulate the banking industry. The implications hereof are yet to be analysed.
· 2020: ASA Tanzania progressed in securing the non-deposit taking license by the Central bank of Tanzania ('BoT'), which, once received, will allow it to proceed with applying for a full deposit taking license.
· 2021: BoT is of the view that interest rates charged to clients should not exceed 3.5% per month (42% p.a.). BoT inspection of ASA Tanzania was completed in Q1 of 2021 in view of the ongoing license application.
· 2020: ASA Myanmar received the license to take savings from its clients.
· 2021: Disruptions and civil unrest in Myanmar following the military's takeover of the government in February 2021 with nationwide protests and any related governmental measures are expected to impact the operations.
· 2021: The Reserve Bank of India proposed new uniform regulations for all lenders in microfinance, including banks, which had fewer restrictions so far compared to NBFC-MFIs. This may have a positive impact on NBFC-MFIs, including ASA India. There is a threat of government intervention, including possible loan and/or interest waivers, in the microfinance sector in the State of Assam following aggressive lending practices in the certain districts of the State.
Regulatory Capital
Many of the Group's operating subsidiaries are regulated and subject to minimum regulatory capital requirements. As of 31 December 2020, the Group and its subsidiaries were in full compliance with minimum regulatory capital requirements.
Asset/Liability and Risk Management
ASA International has strict policies and procedures for the management of its assets and liabilities as well as various non-operational risks to ensure that:
· The average tenor of loans to customers is substantially shorter than the average tenor of debt provided by third party banks and other third-party lenders to the Group and any of its subsidiaries
· Foreign exchange losses are minimized by having all loans to any of the Group's operating subsidiaries denominated or duly hedged in the local operating currency and all loans to any of the Group's subsidiaries denominated in local currency are hedged in US dollars
· Foreign translation losses affecting the Group's balance sheet are minimised by preventing over-capitalisation of any of the Group's subsidiaries by distributing dividends and/or repaying capital as soon as reasonably possible
Nevertheless, the Group will always remain exposed to currency movements in both (i) the profit & loss statement, which will be affected by the translation of profits in local currencies into USD, and (ii) the balance sheet, due to the erosion of capital of each of its operating subsidiaries in local currency when translated in USD, in case the US dollar strengthens against the currency of any of its operating subsidiaries.
The funding profile of the Group has not materially changed during 2020:
In USD millions
31 Dec 20 |
31 Dec 19 |
31 Dec 18 |
Local Deposits |
80.2 |
78.1 |
64.0 |
Loans from Financial Institutions |
274.1 |
260.6 |
221.2 |
Microfinance Loan Funds |
23.5 |
27.2 |
17.8 |
Loans from Dev. Banks & Foundations |
40.0 |
30.0 |
40.0 |
Equity |
107.1 |
111.2 |
88.4 |
Total Funding |
524.9 |
507.1 |
431.4 |
The Group maintains a favourable maturity profile with the average tenor of all funding from third parties being substantially longer than the average tenor at issuance of loans to customers which ranges from 6-12 months for the bulk of the loans.
The Group and its subsidiaries have existing credit relationships with more than 50 lenders throughout the world, which has provided reliable access to competitively-priced funding for the growth of its loan portfolio.
Some subsidiaries did not fulfil some of the ratios as required in contracts for credit lines amounting to USD 172.7 million in 2020. Due to these breaches of covenant clauses, the lenders are contractually entitled to request for immediate repayment of the outstanding loan amounts. The Group already received waivers from its lenders against all breaches except for loans amounting to a total of USD 14.5 million, which are still in process. The balance is presented as on demand as at 31 December 2020. The lenders have not requested any early repayment of these loans as of this date.
In expectation of additional potential temporary portfolio quality covenant breaches in 2021 from increased overdue by some of the Company's operating subsidiaries due to ongoing disruption caused by COVID-19, the Company is in discussions to further extend temporary waivers, no action and/or comfort letters from almost all its major lenders for the remainder of 2021. The impact of these potential covenant breaches was further assessed in the evaluation of the Company's going concern as disclosed in note 2.1.
Impact of foreign exchange rates
As a USD reporting company with operations in thirteen different currencies, currency movements can have a major effect on the Group's USD financial performance and reporting.
The effect of this is that (i) existing and future local currency earnings translate into less US dollar earnings, and (ii) local currency capital of any of the operating subsidiaries will translate into less US dollar capital.
Countries |
FY2020 |
FY2019 |
Δ FY2019 - FY2020 |
Pakistan (PKR) |
160.3 |
154.8 |
(4%) |
India (INR) |
73.0 |
71.3 |
(2%) |
Sri Lanka (LKR) |
185.3 |
181.4 |
(2%) |
The Philippines (PHP) |
48.0 |
50.7 |
5% |
Myanmar (MMK) |
1330.7 |
1487.0 |
11% |
Nigeria (NGN) |
384.6 |
362.5 |
(6%) |
Ghana (GHS) |
5.9 |
5.7 |
(3%) |
Sierra Leone (SLL) |
10107.0 |
9782.7 |
(3%) |
Kenya (KES) |
109.0 |
101.4 |
(8%) |
Uganda (UGX) |
3647.7 |
3665.4 |
0% |
Tanzania (TZS) |
2317.2 |
2298.0 |
(1%) |
Rwanda (RWF) |
986.4 |
943.2 |
(5%) |
Zambia (ZMW) |
21.1 |
14.1 |
(50%) |
During 2020, the US dollar particularly strengthened against ZMW +50%, KES +8% and NGN +6% as a result of the impact of COVID-19 on the individual countries and global economy. This had an additional negative impact on the USD earnings contribution of these subsidiaries to the Group and also contributed to an increase in foreign exchange translation losses. The total contribution to the foreign exchange translation loss reserve during 2020 amounted to USD 2.0m of which USD 1.2m related to the depreciation of the NGN and USD 0.8m to depreciation of the PKR.
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