
Capital Markets Day 2022

Company announcement

April 5, 2022

Announcement No. 9/2022

Capital Markets Day 2022

Today, Nilfisk A/S is hosting a Capital Markets Day at the company headquarter in Brøndby, Denmark, for investors and analysts. The event will be open for both physical and virtual attendance.

The event will detail Business Plan 2026 including financial targets towards 2026 through a series of presentations outlined below. There will be opportunity to ask questions to the speakers.

Topic 1: Business Plan 2026

Topic 2: Growth platforms for long term sustainable value creation


Topic 3: Leading with sustainability and service

The event will be broadcasted live via:

The video will be available for viewing after the event along with the presentation from the day on:

For further information, please contact:

VP, Head of Investor Relations & Group Communication, Elisabeth Klintholm, +45 2555 6337

Head of Corporate Communication, Nynne Jespersen Lee, +45 2077 5119



